Posted in Europe USA / North America

Trump Tower trifecta of bad news: Michael Cohen, Deutsche Bank and Trump’s former tax lawyer

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Posted in Israel USA / North America

Israel Aerospace to Partner With Boeing on Potential Aviation Contracts

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Posted in USA / North America

Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi Pushed Seth Rich Lie After Privately Admitting Hackers Stole DNC Emails

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Posted in Russia USA / North America

Guccifer 2’s Russian Breadcrumbs

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Posted in Israel USA / North America

Police said to reject terms set by diamond magnate Leviev for return to Israel

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Posted in Russia USA / North America

Why The Alfa Bank Mystery Is Key To Understanding Trump-Russia Collusion

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Posted in China Israel

Can foreign startups bridge China’s tech gap?

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Posted in USA / North America

Did a copy-paste error reveal the US’s secret case against Assange?

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Posted in Israel Russia USA / North America

Russian Oligarch Connected to Psy-Group (Wikistrat) to Israel and Into America as Facebook Collapses

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Posted in USA / North America World

Leaked chat logs on hacks may be part of case against Julian Assange

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Posted in Europe USA / North America World

Assange’s Lawyer: Ecuador May Be Planning Extradition Under Deal With UK, US

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Posted in USA / North America World

U.S. Is Optimistic It Will Prosecute Assange

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Posted in USA / North America World

Julian Assange charges: everything you need to know

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Posted in USA / North America

Top Cheney Aide in Mueller’s Sights as Probe Expands

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Posted in USA / North America


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Posted in Europe Russia

Russian Billionaire Art Collector Dmitry Rybolovlev Is Officially Charged in the Sprawling Monaco Corruption Probe

Continue Reading... Russian Billionaire Art Collector Dmitry Rybolovlev Is Officially Charged in the Sprawling Monaco Corruption Probe
Posted in Israel USA / North America

A Rundown of Israeli Spy Firms and Surveillance Outfits

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Posted in China Israel

Trump Will Be Furious’: Tension Between U.S. and Israel Over China Infrastructure Projects

Continue Reading... Trump Will Be Furious’: Tension Between U.S. and Israel Over China Infrastructure Projects
Posted in USA / North America

Roger Stone Cheers as Conspiracists Descend on a Florida Election, Again, to Stop ‘Radical Leftists’ From Counting Votes

Continue Reading... Roger Stone Cheers as Conspiracists Descend on a Florida Election, Again, to Stop ‘Radical Leftists’ From Counting Votes
Posted in Israel

Why Data Science is Booming in Israel

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Posted in Israel

Bar-Ilan University: Nano-Institute at the cutting edge of medical research

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Posted in China Israel

Asia ‘woke up’ and Israeli tech companies see opportunities

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Posted in China Iran USA / North America

US Spies Killed After Iran And China Use Google To Uncover CIA Messaging Service

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Posted in China Iran USA / North America

Dozens of US spies killed after Iran and China uncovered CIA messaging service using Google

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Posted in USA / North America

Rex 84: FEMA’s Blueprint for Martial Law in America

Continue Reading... Rex 84: FEMA’s Blueprint for Martial Law in America