Posted in Russia USA / North America

Justice Dept. Nominee Says He Once Represented Russian Bank

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Posted in China

Industrial centre to focus on technology

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Posted in Israel S. America

Israeli Spyware Firm Embroiled in Mexico Mobile Hacking Scandal. Flynn Was Its Adviser

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Posted in Russia USA / North America

More on Robert Mueller and Mogilevich…

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Posted in USA / North America

Michael Flynn Worked With Foreign Cyberweapons Group That Sold Spyware Used Against Political Dissidents

Continue Reading... Michael Flynn Worked With Foreign Cyberweapons Group That Sold Spyware Used Against Political Dissidents
Posted in USA / North America

What you need to know about 666 Fifth Avenue

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Posted in Russia

Life After Putin: The Jared Kushner of Russia

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Posted in Israel Russia

Yandex: Tool of Russian Disinformation and Cyber Operations in Ukraine

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Posted in USA / North America

Trump Is a Mobster President

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Posted in USA / North America

James Comeys Intellectual History

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Posted in Israel USA / North America

Remembering the U.S.S. Liberty

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Posted in Israel USA / North America

Apollo’s NUMEC allegedly supplied nuclear batteries to Israel in Six Day War

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Posted in China USA / North America

Blackwater founder’s FSG buys stake in Chinese security school

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Posted in Israel Pacific

18 soldiers commissioned in Korea’s ‘Talpiot’ program

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Posted in Russia USA / North America

How One Man Influenced The Republican Party’s Transformation Into The Grand Old Putin Party

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Posted in Europe USA / North America

Cambridge Analytica: the Tea Party’s New Atlantic Bridge

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Posted in Israel Midde East Russia USA / North America

Genie Oil: The Real Reason Syria Is A World War III Flashpoint

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Posted in China USA / North America

China has ‘killed or imprisoned at least a dozen US spies in two years’

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Posted in China USA / North America

China ‘dismantled’ CIA spying operations and killed sources

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Posted in Israel Russia USA / North America

Kushner, Lieberman, Trump, Putin — and the Chabad cult

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Posted in China USA / North America

Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations

Continue Reading... Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations
Posted in USA / North America

The year before his murder, Malcolm X was under electronic surveillance by the FBI

Continue Reading... The year before his murder, Malcolm X was under electronic surveillance by the FBI
Posted in USA / North America

What Donald Trump Needs to Know About Bob Mueller and Jim Comey

Continue Reading... What Donald Trump Needs to Know About Bob Mueller and Jim Comey
Posted in Europe USA / North America

A Special Relationship & the Birth of Cambridge Analytica

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Posted in Israel Russia

How Secret Russian Spy Kim Philby Helped Set Up Israel

Continue Reading... How Secret Russian Spy Kim Philby Helped Set Up Israel