Posted in Israel USA / North America

Bezos Sext Scandal: Did Saudi Arabia Use Israeli Spyware to Hack Amazon CEO?

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Posted in USA / North America

This is the platform that launched Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 29-year-old democratic socialist, to become the youngest woman ever elected to Congress

Continue Reading... This is the platform that launched Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 29-year-old democratic socialist, to become the youngest woman ever elected to Congress
Posted in Israel Russia USA / North America

How Putin’s Blacklisted Oligarch Friend Is Linked to Key Israeli Political Players

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Posted in Russia USA / North America

I’m A Pro-Putin Anti-“Putinist” And It’s About Time That Alt-Media Acknowledges That We Exist

Continue Reading... I’m A Pro-Putin Anti-“Putinist” And It’s About Time That Alt-Media Acknowledges That We Exist
Posted in Russia USA / North America

The Pentagon’s JEDI Contract | The U.S. could be granting Soviet Israel access to all of the Pentagon’s most sensitive data

Continue Reading... The Pentagon’s JEDI Contract | The U.S. could be granting Soviet Israel access to all of the Pentagon’s most sensitive data
Posted in Russia S. America USA / North America

In Venezuela, Russia pockets key energy assets in exchange for cash bailouts

Continue Reading... In Venezuela, Russia pockets key energy assets in exchange for cash bailouts
Posted in Russia USA / North America

Guess Who Is Likely To Profit If Trump Gets His Border Wall? RUSSIAN Steel

Continue Reading... Guess Who Is Likely To Profit If Trump Gets His Border Wall? RUSSIAN Steel
Posted in USA / North America

Mueller Indictments Tied To “ShadowNet,” Former Obama National Security Advisor and Obama’s CIA Director – Not Trump

Continue Reading... Mueller Indictments Tied To “ShadowNet,” Former Obama National Security Advisor and Obama’s CIA Director – Not Trump
Posted in Israel

Israel joins the race to become a quantum superpower

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Posted in Europe Israel

Israel’s Netanyahu Embraces European Leaders With Controversial Views On Holocaust

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Posted in Russia USA / North America

Mystery Mueller mayhem at a Washington court

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Posted in Midde East USA / North America

Imran Khan and Aafia Siddiqi, America’s Dreadful Mistake

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Posted in Israel USA / North America

Google Chooses Tel Aviv, Israel For Its First Overseas Startup Accelerator

Continue Reading... Google Chooses Tel Aviv, Israel For Its First Overseas Startup Accelerator
Posted in USA / North America

Fears over delicate US navy knowledge in business cloud

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Posted in Russia USA / North America

Amazon Cloud Firm Bidding to Store Pentagon’s Military Secrets Plays Down Russia Connections

Continue Reading... Amazon Cloud Firm Bidding to Store Pentagon’s Military Secrets Plays Down Russia Connections
Posted in USA / North America

Information in Amended DNC Lawsuit Reveals that Roger Stone Is at Significantly Greater Risk for CFAA Indictment

Continue Reading... Information in Amended DNC Lawsuit Reveals that Roger Stone Is at Significantly Greater Risk for CFAA Indictment
Posted in China Israel

China to operate new port in Haifa

Continue Reading... China to operate new port in Haifa
Posted in Europe Russia USA / North America

Is Harvard Whitewashing a Russian Oligarch’s Fortune?

Continue Reading... Is Harvard Whitewashing a Russian Oligarch’s Fortune?
Posted in Israel USA / North America

Peter Thiel’s Mithril, Slack, Back Israeli AI Startup Epistema

Continue Reading... Peter Thiel’s Mithril, Slack, Back Israeli AI Startup Epistema
Posted in Israel

Expect drama as attorney general weighs Netanyahu indictment

Continue Reading... Expect drama as attorney general weighs Netanyahu indictment
Posted in Israel

Israel Can Cook Up the Next Big Thing in Fintech

Continue Reading... Israel Can Cook Up the Next Big Thing in Fintech
Posted in Russia USA / North America

Mike Harris on Khazarian Mafia in Russia and Donald Trump

Continue Reading... Mike Harris on Khazarian Mafia in Russia and Donald Trump
Posted in Russia World


Posted in Russia USA / North America

Mueller Takes Aim, but Is Trump in Trouble?

Continue Reading... Mueller Takes Aim, but Is Trump in Trouble?
Posted in Europe USA / North America

Trump Tower trifecta of bad news: Michael Cohen, Deutsche Bank and Trump’s former tax lawyer

Continue Reading... Trump Tower trifecta of bad news: Michael Cohen, Deutsche Bank and Trump’s former tax lawyer