Posted in USA / North America

Attorney General Holder Notified of Scientific Evidence of 9/11 Treason: Commission concluded Al-Qaeda behind the WTC “bombings”

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Posted in Europe Israel Russia USA / North America

Michael Cherney: On Deripaska, the Russian mafia and the Israeli police

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Posted in Israel Russia

Former Israeli double agent shot dead near Putin’s office

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Posted in Iran Midde East USA / North America

Hyping the EMP Threat; New Profiles of John Nagl, United Against Iran, Seth Cropsey and more

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Posted in USA / North America

Senator Lindsey Graham, giving comfort to the 9/11 Commission, is now in open denial of scientific proof of 9/11 treason

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Posted in USA / North America


Continue Reading... Is GNN A PSYOP?
Posted in USA / North America

NSA Security running amok to plug leaks about 9/11

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Posted in USA / North America

Journalist Richard Wolffe claims Obama rejects 9/11 “conspiracies,” “doesn’t have the slightest doubt; Al Qaeda is the enemy.”

Continue Reading... Journalist Richard Wolffe claims Obama rejects 9/11 “conspiracies,” “doesn’t have the slightest doubt; Al Qaeda is the enemy.”
Posted in Israel Russia

Israel’s Foreign Minister Cozies Up to Moscow

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Posted in Iran USA / North America

Iran and the Shah: What Really Happened

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Posted in Israel Russia

Putin Lauds Expat Lieberman’s ‘Brilliant Political Career’ in Israel

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Posted in Israel Russia

Avigdor Lieberman: Harnessing the Russians of southern Israel and beyond

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Posted in Israel World

Zohar Zisapel, the RAD dad of the world’s telecom industry

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Posted in Israel USA / North America

Media coverage: Lionel from Air America radio, live from Israel

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Posted in USA / North America

A GOP Dirty Trickster Has Second Thoughts

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Posted in Israel USA / North America


Posted in Israel Russia

Russian PM Putin to Open Official Party Branch in Israel

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Posted in Russia USA / North America

Know Your New York-Lovin’ Russian Oligarchs

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Posted in Israel Russia USA / North America World

The Russian-Israeli Mafia: Off-limits to FBI, US intelligence

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Posted in USA / North America

The Power Elite Do Not Control Obama

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Posted in Israel USA / North America

Microsoft CEO, in Herzliya: Our Company Almost as Israeli as American

Continue Reading... Microsoft CEO, in Herzliya: Our Company Almost as Israeli as American
Posted in USA / North America

The Hunt for the Kill Switch

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Posted in USA / North America

Canadian connection in the Martin Luther King assassination

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Posted in Israel USA / North America

Report: Netanyahu Says 9/11 Terror Attacks Good for Israel

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Posted in Israel Russia USA / North America

Medved hypocritically blind to Israeli false-flag terrorism: Says 10-10-01 terror attempt is “bogus story,” “never happened”

Continue Reading... Medved hypocritically blind to Israeli false-flag terrorism: Says 10-10-01 terror attempt is “bogus story,” “never happened”