Posted in USA / North America

The Mueller Fraud

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Posted in USA / North America

The Mueller-Industrial Complex Collapses

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Posted in USA / North America

Triumph for Trump as Mueller finds no ‘collusion’ (he can prosecute)

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Posted in USA / North America

The Real Story of How Trump and Bannon Won the White House

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Posted in Israel USA / North America

Black Cube’s War on America: State of the Nation, Israel’s Other QAnon and Wikileaks Scam

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Posted in USA / North America

It’s official: Russiagate is this generation’s WMD

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Posted in USA / North America

Must Read: Completing the Criminal Takeover of the United States

Continue Reading... Must Read: Completing the Criminal Takeover of the United States
Posted in Israel Midde East USA / North America

So What If Trump “Recognizes” “Israel’s” Annexation Of The Golan?

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Posted in Pacific USA / North America

Fugitive Malaysian financier in multibillion-dollar scandal building army of foreign agents in the U.S.

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Posted in Europe Israel USA / North America

Netanyahu advisers hatched anti-Semitic conspiracy against George Soros

Continue Reading... Netanyahu advisers hatched anti-Semitic conspiracy against George Soros
Posted in USA / North America

Brain trauma suffered by U.S. diplomats abroad could be work of hostile foreign government

Continue Reading... Brain trauma suffered by U.S. diplomats abroad could be work of hostile foreign government
Posted in China USA / North America

Are we the colony of China? So thinks Alireza Shaban Ghahrood #Iran #Guri hack and new Russian weaponry

Continue Reading... Are we the colony of China? So thinks Alireza Shaban Ghahrood #Iran #Guri hack and new Russian weaponry
Posted in China USA / North America

Spa operator brought head of Chinese Communist Party’s Florida group to mingle with Trump aides

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Posted in USA / North America


Posted in Russia USA / North America

Trump, Russia & 9/11 | Our president is a longtime money-launderer who remains beholden to the Russian mob’s “boss of bosses” Semion Mogilevich.

Continue Reading... Trump, Russia & 9/11 | Our president is a longtime money-launderer who remains beholden to the Russian mob’s “boss of bosses” Semion Mogilevich.
Posted in S. America USA / North America

Trump Regime Electricity War in Venezuela More Serious Than First Believed

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Posted in Israel USA / North America

Censored VT Restored: Too Classified to Publish — Russia Opens Files on Nuclear 9/11 and Israeli Proliferation

Continue Reading... Censored VT Restored: Too Classified to Publish — Russia Opens Files on Nuclear 9/11 and Israeli Proliferation
Posted in China USA / North America

Everything to Know About the Spa Founder Selling Access to Trump

Continue Reading... Everything to Know About the Spa Founder Selling Access to Trump
Posted in USA / North America

The shady side of Tucker Carlson

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Posted in S. America USA / North America

Venezuela – Three Total Blackouts In Three Days – Government Presumes U.S. Cyberattack

Continue Reading... Venezuela – Three Total Blackouts In Three Days – Government Presumes U.S. Cyberattack
Posted in China USA / North America

Massage parlor magnate helped steer Chinese to Trump NYC fundraiser, attendee says

Continue Reading... Massage parlor magnate helped steer Chinese to Trump NYC fundraiser, attendee says
Posted in USA / North America

Poster linking Rep. Ilhan Omar to 9/11 sparks outrage at West Virginia Capitol

Continue Reading... Poster linking Rep. Ilhan Omar to 9/11 sparks outrage at West Virginia Capitol
Posted in Israel USA / North America

Israel intelligence company pursued BDS activists

Continue Reading... Israel intelligence company pursued BDS activists
Posted in Israel USA / North America

Former Israeli Spies tried to Influence Local US election

Continue Reading... Former Israeli Spies tried to Influence Local US election
Posted in Israel Russia USA / North America

Psy Group Speed Read: 6 WTF Bits From The New Yorker Exposé on Mueller Probe’s Ex-Mossad Spy Group

Continue Reading... Psy Group Speed Read: 6 WTF Bits From The New Yorker Exposé on Mueller Probe’s Ex-Mossad Spy Group