Posted in Midde East

Read: Declassified report on Saudi role in killing of Jamal Khashoggi

Continue Reading... Read: Declassified report on Saudi role in killing of Jamal Khashoggi
Posted in Iran Midde East USA / North America

Iran moves air defences to nuclear sites and warns Trump strike could trigger war ‘worse than Iraq’

Continue Reading... Iran moves air defences to nuclear sites and warns Trump strike could trigger war ‘worse than Iraq’
Posted in Africa Israel Midde East World

Israel Celebrates Peace With Morocco

Continue Reading... Israel Celebrates Peace With Morocco
Posted in Africa Israel Midde East World

Donald Trump Touts Morocco as Latest Arab Country to Establish Israel Ties

Continue Reading... Donald Trump Touts Morocco as Latest Arab Country to Establish Israel Ties
Posted in Africa Israel Midde East World

Morocco Will Normalize Relations With Israel, Trump Administration Announces

Continue Reading... Morocco Will Normalize Relations With Israel, Trump Administration Announces
Posted in Israel Midde East USA / North America

U.S. agreement with Israel opens the door to F-35 sales to UAE

Continue Reading... U.S. agreement with Israel opens the door to F-35 sales to UAE
Posted in Israel Midde East USA / North America

‘Machiavellian’ German refugee Kissinger shaped US policy with Jewish philosophy

Continue Reading... ‘Machiavellian’ German refugee Kissinger shaped US policy with Jewish philosophy
Posted in Israel Midde East USA / North America

Israel signs accords with United Arab Emirates and Bahrain at White House ceremony

Continue Reading... Israel signs accords with United Arab Emirates and Bahrain at White House ceremony
Posted in Midde East

Saudi Arabia detains hundreds of government officials

Continue Reading... Saudi Arabia detains hundreds of government officials
Posted in Midde East

Saudis Detain 298 Government Employees in Corruption Probe

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Posted in Midde East Russia USA / North America

Russia grows stronger in East Med while US looks for comfort

Continue Reading... Russia grows stronger in East Med while US looks for comfort
Posted in China Europe Midde East

China Opens ‘Suez Canal of Our Era’

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Posted in China Europe Midde East

China Just Opened the Suez Canal of Our Era and No One Blinked

Continue Reading... China Just Opened the Suez Canal of Our Era and No One Blinked
Posted in Midde East USA / North America

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi killed in US raid, Trump confirms

Continue Reading... Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi killed in US raid, Trump confirms
Posted in Iran Israel Midde East USA / North America

Bolton Sounds Drumbeat of War Based on Tenuous Israeli Claim of Iran Threat

Continue Reading... Bolton Sounds Drumbeat of War Based on Tenuous Israeli Claim of Iran Threat
Posted in Israel Midde East USA / North America

So What If Trump “Recognizes” “Israel’s” Annexation Of The Golan?

Continue Reading... So What If Trump “Recognizes” “Israel’s” Annexation Of The Golan?
Posted in Israel Midde East Russia

Israel and Russia agree to co-operate on foreign troop exit from Syria

Continue Reading... Israel and Russia agree to co-operate on foreign troop exit from Syria
Posted in Israel Midde East USA / North America

CBS Explains How Egypt Tried to Kill a ’60 Minutes’ Sissi Interview Over Israel Comment

Continue Reading... CBS Explains How Egypt Tried to Kill a ’60 Minutes’ Sissi Interview Over Israel Comment
Posted in Midde East USA / North America

Imran Khan and Aafia Siddiqi, America’s Dreadful Mistake

Continue Reading... Imran Khan and Aafia Siddiqi, America’s Dreadful Mistake
Posted in Iran Midde East USA / North America

Saudi Spy Met With Team Trump About Taking Down Iran

Continue Reading... Saudi Spy Met With Team Trump About Taking Down Iran
Posted in Midde East USA / North America

CIA and Saudi Arabia Conspired to Keep 9/11 Details Secret, New Book Says

Continue Reading... CIA and Saudi Arabia Conspired to Keep 9/11 Details Secret, New Book Says
Posted in Midde East USA / North America

Trump to Go After Mueller For 9/11-Saudi Cover-Up

Continue Reading... Trump to Go After Mueller For 9/11-Saudi Cover-Up
Posted in Iran Midde East USA / North America

The Real Russia Story: Port Canaveral “Project Pelican” and Uranium One deals connected through the Jafars

Continue Reading... The Real Russia Story: Port Canaveral “Project Pelican” and Uranium One deals connected through the Jafars
Posted in Iran Midde East USA / North America

Project Pelican: The secret Obama-era scandal that makes Uranium One look like a parking ticket

Continue Reading... Project Pelican: The secret Obama-era scandal that makes Uranium One look like a parking ticket
Posted in Israel Midde East

Don’t let Israel become a promised land of impunity for crooks and fraudsters

Continue Reading... Don’t let Israel become a promised land of impunity for crooks and fraudsters