Posted in Israel

New Israeli VC fund recruits industry veterans to nurture cybersecurity startups

Continue Reading... New Israeli VC fund recruits industry veterans to nurture cybersecurity startups
Posted in Israel World

Joint Georgia-Israel IT Ventures to Be Established

Continue Reading... Joint Georgia-Israel IT Ventures to Be Established
Posted in Israel USA / North America

The Israel-Massachusetts Cybersecurity Ecosystem Is Thriving

Continue Reading... The Israel-Massachusetts Cybersecurity Ecosystem Is Thriving
Posted in USA / North America

Trump Ordered DOJ to Hire Controversial Former Aide, Sources Say

Continue Reading... Trump Ordered DOJ to Hire Controversial Former Aide, Sources Say
Posted in China Israel

Pivoting East: Israel’s Developing Strategic Relationships in Asia

Continue Reading... Pivoting East: Israel’s Developing Strategic Relationships in Asia
Posted in Israel USA / North America

The Secret Jewish History Of ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’

Continue Reading... The Secret Jewish History Of ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’
Posted in Israel Russia

The Scientist Who Rose From Russia’s Ghettos to Israeli President

Continue Reading... The Scientist Who Rose From Russia’s Ghettos to Israeli President
Posted in Russia USA / North America

Cambridge Analytica, the shady data firm that might be a key Trump-Russia link, explained

Continue Reading... Cambridge Analytica, the shady data firm that might be a key Trump-Russia link, explained
Posted in China

China’s J-10 fighter jet may be getting some impressive upgrades to make it more stealthy

Continue Reading... China’s J-10 fighter jet may be getting some impressive upgrades to make it more stealthy
Posted in Israel

The Israeli high-school kids earning high-tech salaries

Continue Reading... The Israeli high-school kids earning high-tech salaries
Posted in S. America

Presidential frontrunner offers Mexico a new deal in Ciudad Juárez

Continue Reading... Presidential frontrunner offers Mexico a new deal in Ciudad Juárez
Posted in Israel

Haifa team sires Intel’s ‘best processor ever’ for laptops

Continue Reading... Haifa team sires Intel’s ‘best processor ever’ for laptops
Posted in Israel

Israel on Track to Become a Crypto-Powerhouse

Continue Reading... Israel on Track to Become a Crypto-Powerhouse